2011.9.16 | UNO FOG BAR 潮型屋


為宣傳UNO新產品FOG BAR,天工開物為客戶製作了UNO潮形屋AR擴增實境遊戲,以虛擬結合真實的方式讓目標族群體驗不同髮型所帶來的趣味,成功打造新奇有趣的產品形象。
2011.9. 16 | UNO FOG BAR HOUSE
In order to promote UNO’s new product “FOG BAR”, Techart designed an AR game for “UNO House”. Through integrating virtuality and reality, the target had a great time on experiencing different hair styles, and the novel product image has been successfully built.


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